Thursday, October 25, 2018


A good business advisor is a team player. He leads from the front and is not afraid of multitasking or delegation. He distributes credit and leads the company to financial and social prosperity.
According to Sachin Uppal the most important quality of a good business advisor is that he does not demand respect but commands respect and this he inculcates in all the leaders of the business.

These are some key qualities to look at in a Business Advisor:

  •          CAPABILITY

A good business advisor will have the capability and competence of turning the idea into a business success and he will not leave any stone un-turned to see to it that the business idea blooms into a mega business which brings in revenues into crores.
  •          PAST EXPERIENCE

A good business advisor will come with a lot of experience of converting any business into a successful venture. With his experience and expertise he will make sure that the business heads in the right direction and with his guidance the business will flourish and prosper as per Sachin Uppal Growth Advisor.
  •          EXPERTISE

A good business advisor will have the expertise of and understanding of the marketing and advertising aspects of the business. He should be able to guide the leaders of the business into taking marketing decisions which prove worthy and bring success to the organization.

A good business advisor should be well qualified and should be at least an MBA. He should also have teaching and coaching experience and he should be having all the necessary certifications which prove that he is a competent growth advisor according to Sachin Uppal.
  •          DELEGATION

A good business advisor will be able to delegate and multitask. He will be a team player and he will not dominate, rather he will function as a participant in the company’s growth story. He will not run after taking credit instead he will give credit where it is due.
  •          LEADERSHIP

Leadership and team spirit are two very important characteristics of a good business advisor and he will take the company with him. He will not seek special treatment or privileges instead he will distribute the credit thus he will nurture talent and bring forth prosperity for the business.
  •          PROBLEM SOLVER

Problem solving is a key skill which a good business advisor should possess. He should be able to look at problems as challenges and be able to guide the business out from trouble by using his acumen and creative intelligence coupled with innovation.
Thus a good Business advisor will always keep the companies interests before his own interest. For him the company and its success is a priority and he will do his very best to ensure that the company prospers and grows financially and socially.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Print advertising like flyers, brochures and print ads were always in and still are. They are the preferred source of marketing for small and medium businesses. They come with many advantages like wider reach, targeting localities, low overall cost and high ROI says Sachin Uppal.

These are some reasons why print advertising can help you succeed in marketing your product or service:

With flyers and print ads you can think global and act local. You can offer a great product and also advertise it within your budget. You can easily target specific audiences for your product or service. Your product can be world class and you can market it locally so as to gain a hold on maximum market size and also get a bigger piece of the pie
  •          WIDER REACH

With print ads you have a wider reach. Everyone who buys the newspaper or magazine will see your ad and will be exposed to it. Thus you get an advantage of a wider reach and thus can reach more customers with a single ad in a magazine or newspaper and also get a great ROI as per Sachin Uppal Growth Advisor.

Also with flyers and brochures it is easy to target localities and you can target one locality at one time and thus spread your wings wide encompassing the whole city or state-locality by locality, according to Sachin Uppal Growth Advisor.

Flyers and brochures are great for small and medium size businesses as they are not very expensive and they have a wide reach and the entire locality or community can be targeted and small and medium size businesses can be greatly benefit

It is also a very good idea to instill images in your print ads and flyers as images have a greater impact and increase the receptivity and stay in the minds of the customers. As they say a picture speaks louder than words the same is true for print ads.
Thus by using print media wisely and smartly you can widen your reach and also lower your advertising and marketing cost and thus get a fantastic ROI from your print ad campaign.

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